You can connect Teamreporter with many other apps (see the list), like your project management tool, cloud storage or group chat. New reports will be sent to these apps after connecting.

What you need

  • Any Teamreporter paid plan
  • An account at Zapier (the basic account is free) or IFTTT (free)

Step 1: Activate Teamreporter for external apps

  1. Visit the Teamreporter dashboard
  2. Click on your team and visit the tab “Team-Settings
  3. Scroll to “Export reports
  4. Click on the button “Activate RSS-feed
  5. Copy the address. (Important: Don’t share the address because it grants access to your reports)

Step 2: Connect Teamreporter with the apps

Zapier and IFTTT are services to connect one app with another. We describe the way how to connect an app with Teamreporter via Zapier in detail, because Zapier supports more apps, but IFTTT is working very similar. At IFTTT you need to choose “Feed” instead of “RSS” as a trigger channel.

  1. Login at Zapier
  2. Click on “Make a New Zap” on the right.
  3. Choose “RSS” as a trigger app (you can use the search field)
  4. Choose “New Item in Feed” as a trigger
  5. Choose the “Action app” of your choice (like your favorite project management app or cloud storage)
  6. Click on Continue and follow the steps to configure your apps (optional)
  7. Paste the Teamreporter address you copied in step 1 into the field “Feed URL”
  8. Configure the action app
  9. Continue the steps at Zapier and finish by clicking the button “Turn Zap on
  10. That’s it. Enjoy your connected Teamreporter.